KAHS Move to Online Learning

As per the AB Government's May 4th announcement, learning will be moving to an online format for Alberta Students as of this Friday, May 7th. This means that Thursday, May 6th is the last day of in-person learning until Tuesday, May 25th (unless stated otherwise between now and then.) KAHS Students will be expected to attend their regularly scheduled classes, according to their Semester 2 schedule. (There may be some exceptions for specific classes, however the teacher will inform students what is expected in those cases.)
Any student who requires a Chromebook in order to learn online may borrow one from the KAHS. The process for this at KAHS is:
- Email darby.bell@pallisersd.ab.ca (stating that STUDENT NAME would like to borrow a Chromebook for this period of online learning.)
- The Chromebook Borrowing Agreement will be attached to that student’s SchoolCash Online account. There is no cost to borrow a Chromebook. COMPLETE the Agreement for each student.
- The office will advise students when their Chromebook is available for pickup (it will be available before they leave for online learning, as long as the Chromebook Borrowing Agreement has been completed in a timely fashion.)
Please note, if you don’t follow these steps, and you complete the Chromebook Borrowing Agreement from a previous link (from a previous time that online learning was mandated), KAHS will not receive it, and therefore we will not have a Chromebook available for you.
We will continue to share information with the KAHS community as becomes available.