KA Covid Response 2021 2022

We are excited to see our students this week at Registration Days, and just want to share a bit of information to make the day go smoothly, and also share some new information regarding KAHS’ Covid Response for the 21-22 School Year.
Registration Days are days when students can come in to pick up their locker assignments, text books (only if their school fees are paid), and schedules.
Printed copies of schedules will be distributed to students at their Registration Day.
STUDENTS WILL NOT RECEIVE THEIR TEXT BOOKS UNTIL THEIR SCHOOL FEES ARE PAID. We encourage the use of SchoolCashOnline for fee payments, however if you are unable to do so, you may pay in person at the office. The office accepts cash or cheque only. We do not have a debit/credit machine.
The Grade 9 Registration Day is Wednesday, August 25thwith last names starting with A-L from 10am-Noon and Last Names starting with M-Z from 1-3pm.
The Grade 10-12 Registration Day is Thursday, August 26thwith last names starting with A-L from 10am-Noon and Last Names starting with M-Z from 1-3pm.
Students who are not able to come on their registration day/time will be able to pick up their schedule, locker assignment and text books on the first day of school.
Please see the full KAHS Covid Response Plan here: KA Covid Response 2021 2022
At this time KAHS will not be mandating mask wearing for staff or students, however mask wearing is encouraged, especially when social distancing is not possible. Should outbreaks of respiratory illness occur, masks may be temporarily mandated at that time.
KAHS will not be cohorting students this school year. As was practice prior to Covid-19, students will move from class to class, and will not have a specific cohort classroom.
We ask students who are sick, to please stay home to limit the spread of illness.
KAHS will continue to follow guidelines set out by the Palliser School Division and the Government of Alberta.