KA's 5th Annual Fine Arts Night will be held on Tuesday, November 28th, starting at 6:30 pm and will include performances and displays from our Drama, Art, and Music departments. Admission will be free of charge, however we will accept donations of non-perishable food items to donate to the Coaldale Foodbank.
The Jazz Band and the Concert Band will be performing.
The Drama 10/20/30 class will perform a Collective Creation titled "Death of a Rockstar." This is a culmination of cross-curricular project between the CALM, Chemistry, Media Arts, Art and Forensics classes. Students helped write the piece from information about famous rock stars whose deaths were due to drug use.
The Art Room will host a SPEED ART CONTEST, and will display student work from the semester. They will also be selling one-of-a-kind Christmas cards that have been made by Art students, and all proceeds will be donated to the Coaldale Foodbank.
We hope to see many of you there, as we showcase the talent of our students!