Textbook Returns

Textbook Returns
Ms. Wittebolle will be collecting textbooks in the mornings BEFORE exams are written. There will be four tables set up in the hallway, one table per grade. Students are asked to neatly drop their books on the appropriate table the morning that they write and continue on to their classroom. No lingering, visiting, etc. Please ensure that all books are returned.
2nd Semester Textbook Pick Up
All fees from Semester 1 must be paid before students will be able to get their books for semester 2. Fees are attached via SchoolCashOnline. Complete School Fees for 2020-2021 can be found here. Anyone who hasn't returned their 1st semester books or hasn't paid their school fees will be unable to get their new books.
Textbooks for the 2nd semester will be handed out in the first couple of days of Semester 2 classes (February 1 & 2, 2021). Ms. Wittebolle will call classes down to give all required textbooks to students.